Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Part 1)
* When you first meet some one new and to think you might be interested in them , do you first want to be friends to get to know them first or do you do jump into a relationship?

*What do you look for in a friend ?

*Once a person has the title of a friend is it a chance for them to be come more then that or it is it once a friend always a friend?

* what attracts one person to another ?

*Is there a difference between love and being in love? if so can you be in love with a friend


I think you question is great . Don't think there is anything i will say to change because, it seem like you can gets peoples opines on it as well find thing on it in books and on the internet. I think you have a really good question i want to read your paper to read what you found about it.


Hey Alicia i think your question was great. I think about that as well because if you don't love your self then how can you want another person to. I think that question can be answered by a person based on what they went through in relationships they had. Although i think it's a great as well as an important question I'm not sure if i think you will be able to find to much information on it because every bodies well have different thought on that topic . Yea i think it a good question but no i don't you will find a lot of information about , but i could be wrong .

55( Question)

What dose a person look for when they want you to gain deeper relationship with another person ? What makes them want that relationship?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Extroverted (E) 63.64% Introverted (I) 36.36%
Intuitive (N) 52.94% Sensing (S) 47.06%
Feeling (F) 58.82% Thinking (T) 41.18%
Perceiving (P) 51.52% Judging (J) 48.48%

Your type is: ENFP

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.


By looking at the results I noticed that a lot of what I thought people would say was wrong. The question that said something like " do you talk to your family about your personal life? more people said yes the do, when i thought the answer would be no. i thought the answer would be no because, even though my mom and i have a very close relationship i hear a lot of my peers talk but disliking their families. A pattern i noticed was that most of the answer for relationships with friends was positive answers, I think this is because people get to pick who they are friends with or not. With family the answers was a mix of positives and negatives because are born into there families. I feel that i am similar to most students base on the answers to the question. I think is because we are all teenagers growing up in the same city so our out looks on thing well be similar but how we go about doing things well be different because we all have different mind frames and we all had different experiment in out life.

i noticed that on our survey and the other survey people a lot of people don't drink or do drugs . while hanging, living and attending school in the city, i feel that a lot of people lied about this. i feel that on surveys people some times don't tell the truth because they don't want to look bad to them self. They also don't want other people to think badly about them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I think this unit will be the best one by far. I belive this is true because everyday people interact with each other, on the train, in the hall ways any were you go someone else will be there. I no i had time when i thought to my self why one of my friend are acting funny or What mad someone do soming that I disagreed with. By studying relationships i'm hoping every thing is clear.

i dont think that one relationship is any more important then another. Friends and famliy are both well needed , just how friends can do thing to hurt you family can ass well. The only thing thats different is that you can pick who is your friend or not but you are born into your family.

Just how friends and family re important so are people you come across every day . like the bus driver, the man in the store and the lady you see every day on the train in the moring. I just feel that every relationship is important .

Topic that i want to reseacher and learn more about is how a person can tell who the just want to be friends with vs who the want to be there boyfriend or girlfriend . I think this is important to find out more about because i have male friends that i will never date but i'm very close to them but one the other hand i can meet a new guy get to no him a little and feel like I want to date them . So i want to reseacher how other people may feel about that.

Monday, May 3, 2010


while talking about school during this school unit, i have thought about thing that i never did before. I never thought i would have to talk about school, because it was something that i just had to do and have been doing for so long. As well as something i hated. I'm not going to say by doing this unit i hate school any less, because it still wakes me up out of bed every morning, I still have to sit in long class that i don't think will help me after i'm done with high school, it still seem at times like a big wast of time but i have to say it was pretty cool to be able to talk, gain better understanting, and here what other peolpe around me thought about school. At first i thought it was crazy that we was doing a unit on school but now i kind of happy we did because this was one of the only times that we learned about soming that we have do every day, so we weren't learning aout someone else exprience, we were learning about our own and it was something we all can relate to being that we all go to school together . Although we all relate to schoool in the same way there are thing that make our school exprience different . The big thing thats makes my school exprience different form most of my classmates is that i'm black so in this paper I to talk about equal rights for black in the past and now.

In the past black and white could not be in the same school, just like they couldn't do a lot of other things together. Blacks were giving very little rights and were kept as far as the could be kept from the white students. They were also given used books and every thing else they need for school. Everything was giving to the white students first. They were tought with there being many grads of students stuck in one room to learn . They question i have is how can some a 9th grad learn everything she need to learn when learn in the same room as an 3rd grader? The answer is that it can not happen, thats why black were unable to learn the best they can and get equal learing exprieance as a white kid . Blacks were held back . I learned deeply about this by reading a book called freedom children, this book wasn't only about blacks not having equal rights in school it was about blacks not have equal rights at all . There was stories from people who grow up during this time,and in some of the stories they talked about what they went through in school . From the being blacks were looked down on as less then or dumb to white people and that held them back.

I feel that blacks are still looked down on and held back when it comes to most things in life. A lot of balck men make it out of high school so they can better them self with an great futuer. They trun to the streets and make fast money becuase they can go to there mom and ask for a new paire of air maxs ever time the come. I also think its because our socity puts it in there head that they well not become successful. Blacks don't seem to try as hard as other people and that is what every is use to.


Gatto- I read 6 lessons by Gatto, and i found that it was very interesting what he was saying about school. I felt Gatto was saying that as student we are kind of like robots. We come to school because we have to, we sit in a classroom under light and are just told information that we must remember to be able to pass the class. I agree with him because we go from class to class take notes and gain information then go to the next class with only a short amount of time to get there and do the same thing. If we want to do anything different like use the bathroom or get a drink of water we have to ask the teacher (or at lest let the teacher know) so the can be able to keep count of the students . we do the same thing over and over all year that we do it with out thinking about it. This is why people may view school as a wast of time, because the been doing the same thing for so long.

Freire - when reading Freire's second chapter of pedagogy of the oppressed, I learned that he pay attention to relationships between the teacher and the student. He said that the relationship includes the narrating subject being the teacher and the listening objects being the student. although this was the opening of the reading it made a lot of since to me because, when we go to school the teacher is there to stand up in front of the class and teach then the information they need to learn. It's the students job to listen while the teacher narrates . For the most part school works this way because if a teacher want's the students attention and they don't give it to them the are punished some way.

I'm not sure but i think Delpit was making the point that each student learn different from each other. I think she was saying that some student can be told something once and the will be able to get but on the other hand some students have to be told or showed something more then one time to get, so it far for them to be put in the same class? Are the smarter kid being held back? Are the slower kids being pushed to hard and aren't able to keep up ? I think that kids that are on different should be put together so they are giving equal chance and they are able to rely on each other for help.