Monday, October 26, 2009

h.w 14

The reading was about video games vs. reading books. It says that people that read books are more likely to get out and do different things. such as going to different sport games, shows and are just more opened minded to different things that people who read less aren't open to. It also say that people who start there kids out reading when they are younger they are very likely to grow up to be people who read a lot and on there own time not just when they have to, and they will be good at it and enjoy it very much .
Even though the reading made it seem like reading is much better then playing video games. There was a few good points made about playing video games . It was said that video games were good because they help you work on using your hand and eye at the same time. But they did point out the fact that videos are played way more then books are read, and that video games were out for way longer then books.
I don't read unless i have to but at the same time i dont play video games eaither, but i do use the computer as well as the phone way more then i read. The reading says that reading books is some thing you do alone therefor you are in your own place and isn't interacting with anyone but yourself. On the other hand when you are on the computer the phone or playing a video you are interacking with some thing , and that makes me belive thats why people enjoy it the most .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

home work 13

Some more specific questions to help you think through the artistic decisions he made - What about his use of allegory? Of a familiar plot? Of tragedy? Of the special and self-aware (becoming yet more self-aware) narrator? Of emphasizing the problems but not offering a solution? Of maintaining chronological order? Does he speak to a mainstream adult audience or is this young adult fiction? Was the book successful, and by what criteria? What about him making this as a linear-text novel rather than as a hyperlinked website or a film?

He used an allegory to talk about some thing going on today, to make people say thats crazy because they are outsiders looking in not knowing that the book is really talking about tennagers to day. A familiar plot is the real world today. Even though I don't think everything said in feed was right on it did relate to the plot in feed related to the real world. The tragedy of the feed breaking it like if internet just stop working he was trying to say we wouldn't be able to live with out it and i think it would be different but we will be able to live with out it.
1. If Feed is supposed to be an allegory or a parable of modern teenage life - is it on target?
2. Feed is written as a tragedy - what are the various tragic elements in the book, and how do they all collide, and is that how your life is too?
3. Does Feed miss the point? Are Titus and crew actually living brag lives and the Professors of the World are just behind the times and irrelevant and scared of something new?

feed is suppose to be an allegory about modern teenage life and i think it's pertty much on point, when it comes to the fact that we as teenagers have everything at our finger tips and don't have to do much to get the information we need. i don't agree with the fact that he mad it seem like its only teenager that is affected by this because there are many grown ups that over use internet just like teenages. I think the book was some what on target but in with everything .
One tragedy in the book was that the girls feed faild and his lost every thing that was goin on nin her head. Another tragedy to me was that all the teenage weren't allowed to think on there own they relayed on the feed to do everything for them .If they ever had to live with out the feed they won't be able to because thats wat keep them going thats want they live on and by. My life wouldn't be like that with out internet because my life isn't run by internet i do other thing then that.
I dont think feed missed the point I just think that he over did it , like made it seem wores then what it is. like all teenagers to day can't live with out it and thats not true. He also made it seem like its only teenagers when it clearly not because peoples moms and grandmoms have myspaces, facebooks and twitters.

Monday, October 5, 2009
On this website a teacher starts to talk about why he thinks facebook is addicting, he talks about the the different up dates . I think he was saying that it can be addicting because it keeps people intoned and let others no whats going on. He was saying people use face book so other people can find out what they are doing when they aren't around each other. with out the updates it wouldn't be every addicting .